I will list several categories that CIOs should look as a basic checklist for cost savings (you (CIOs) are invited to the ROUND TABLE (DEC 4, 2008) that will discuss this points):
a. flexible staffing based on good temps vendors
b. contract renegotiations and multisourcing of temps
c. Requirement and portfolio management and rationalization
d. Maintenance and requirement release management
e. Application integration, reuse and SOA
f. Automating and outsourcing testing
g. ERP instance consolidation
h. Application Hosting and SaaS
i. New licensing strategies
j. self service software (even e-learning)
k. user authentication and password management
l. automated compliance software
a. desktop simplification
b. end-user help desk
c. green IT and recycling
d. consolidation of servers, storage and end ser platforms
e. demand management
f. storage management and rationalizing
g. exception oversight
h. bandwith prioritizing
i. open source
j. print management
k. hosting and utility computing
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